Advanced Manure Handling Systems & Energy Production
AET Consulting, Inc. will assist with the planning process for advanced manure
handling and energy production systems. We provide operators the knowledge and
skills that will enable them to be their own general contractor when installing
these types of advanced manure handling systems.
On land-limited farms, we have assisted with the installation of manure handling
systems that were designed to reduce the phosphorus within the majority of
manure wanting to be land applied on the most local farms to the animal housing
units. The first system we installed saw a reduction of manure phosphorous from
25.0 lb P2O5 / 1,000 gallons to 0.5 lb P2O5 / 1,000 gallons. This level of
reduction may not be necessary on every farm; we will work with individual
operators to determine what level of treatment is necessary on their farm. In
2004, AET was awarded a grant from The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture to
evaluate the feasibility of implementing this type of technology on farms. From
this research AET determined that with increasing transportation costs to haul
manure further from the home operation, it is feasible to implement this type of
technology for farms needing to export high volumes of material.
As farms handle more manure and have to spread that manure across more acres
further from the farm, efficient manure handling and solid separation systems
become more important. Since AET does not sell any equipment, we can provide a
non-biased opinion on the needs of a given operation. No single system is able
to fit every farm's needs and we will help you design the correct system for
your specific requirements.
In response to increased energy costs, AET has been working with farms and
industries to utilize their waste to produce electricity either through methane
digestion of manure, or gasification of manure. We have worked with many farms
and industries during the installation of them so that we can help you to be
your own general contractor, saving you money. Since we are not tied to any one
specific system, we can provide knowledgeable, non-biased assistance to you
while designing your own energy production system.
Lastly, we at AET are continuing to work with our partners to develop new
technologies that will reduce nutrients and solids that have to be land applied
while producing more energy for the individual farm; thus making the farmer more
profitable and energy independent.
Please contact us to answer any questions and to assist you with your manure
handling and energy needs.